By Daniela Karpenos of Cosmic Latte

The stars aligned. In 2024, the cosmos conspired to stir your soul and widen your field of vision for 2025. This year was not just about navigating the ups and downs of life, but about laying the foundation for long-term dreams. 

We curated this art collection to embody the essence of the 12 zodiacal archetypes, channeling the energies and themes that have shaped the past year. The sky is a mirror. The universe, or cosmos, serve as a reflective surface for the patterns, energies, and cycles that we embody on Earth. Art, like astrology, has the power to reflect and illuminate. Just as astrologers map the sky to understand the human experience, artists serve as a medium for interpreting and expressing the intangible forces that influence us. Each piece in this collection is designed to resonate with key energy from the past year — and year to come. 

Key astrological transits included: Jupiter's trip through Taurus and Gemini; eclipses in Aries and Libra; and Pluto's dance between Aquarius and Capricorn, which challenged us to rethink our boundaries and confront hidden truths. 

Jupiter in Gemini amplified our curiosity in learning, connection, and communication. It was a time to explore new ideas, embrace intellectual freedom, and take risks in both personal and professional pursuits. Eclipses urged us to release deep-rooted interpersonal or relationship patterns and take control of our individual paths. Pluto’s brief exit from Aquarius and return later in the year signaled a period of recalibration, as deep, collective transformation continued to unfold. Over the past year, the interplay of growth and limitation shaped our paths, urging us to make essential choices for personal growth.

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You got bigger, bolder, and brighter. If you’re an Aries Sun or Aries Rising, you traversed uncharted territories in 2024. Whether through bold career shifts, romantic empowerment, or adventurous travel, you stepped outside your comfort zone in the pursuit of personal growth. From April 8th to June 8th, 2024, you were filled with energy and drive, as a result of the Solar Eclipse in Aries and Mars' momentum in Aries. With each challenge you overcome, your confidence magnifies. Now, you embody the most self-assured version of yourself. You know what you’re capable of.  

2024 has likely been a year of constant motion and relentless momentum. You’ve been on the go, driven by an urge to chase new ventures, take risks, and assert your presence in the world. With the Moon’s North Node lighting up your sign, your energy has been boundless. However, after the September 17th, 2024 lunar eclipse in Pisces, you either felt the pull to slow down or the universe gently forced you to.

2025 will continue this trend, with the eclipses activating your 12th house. It’s a time for you to slow down and embrace solitude, stepping away from the fast pace of daily life. The North Node of the Moon dips into the mystical realm of Pisces on January 11th, 2025, guiding you to recharge, process emotional undercurrents, and nourish inner growth and healing. This pause gives you the space to dream, paving the way for discovering purposeful, meaningful work. Don’t rush the process. Meditate on areas of your life where action has been rushed or motivated by outside pressures. When you're caught up in the hustle of day-to-day life, your personal goals are left forgotten, neglected, or underdeveloped. Your ambitions take the back seat. What could you pursue if you weren't constantly in motion? What could you achieve if you had the time and space to focus on what truly matters to you?

Your next cosmic checkpoint comes in March 2025. Brace yourself for one more Solar Eclipse in Aries—in the midst of both a Venus retrograde and Mercury retrograde in Aries. These events present a series of challenges, roadblocks, and frustrations that shake you out of your routine. Rather than simply disrupting your plans, these astrological shifts are designed to push you to rethink your direction and priorities. This friction motivates course corrections, redirecting your energy toward more meaningful pursuits that better reflect your evolving goals. If you choose wisely — focusing on what’s best for you and only you — your post-retrograde aura will be vibrant and full of self-assurance.


In 2024, you cultivated inner strength. If you’re a Taurus Rising, your social life has been under construction. Friendships weigh heavily on your mind. With Saturn in Pisces, 2024 was a year of reshaping your social life and rethinking how you connect with others in meaningful, resonant ways. This involved letting go of misaligned friendships and finding new social circles that better reflect your evolving self. You could have entered a new phase or season in a friendship, getting closer with an existing friend or reimagining the role you play. When you know who you are, you don’t mistake a drifting friendship for a personal failure. Instead, you see an opportunity to form meaningful connections and unearth new aspects of yourself through the mirror of others.

Jupiter’s trip through Gemini since May 25th, 2024 emphasizes work, money, and personal abundance. You may have spent more money than usual, making big purchases or indulging in splurges over the last six months. At the same time, you thought more expansively about your financial goals. You crave more freedom in your work or finances. This can guide you toward a path of discovery. As you explore a broader vision, you’re learning to value your unique talents and skills, recognizing that you are worthy of more. Follow the spark of your curiosity. Explore diversifying your sources of income or generating money in new ways. Luck abounds when you chase new ventures, income streams, and work opportunities — particularly those that tap into your communication skills, such as writing, research, or public speaking.

Rediscover your inner artist, muse, and philosopher. The North Node of the Moon dips into the mystical realm of Pisces on January 11th, 2025, inviting access to a deeper well of wisdom. Even though you’re hungry for deeper, more transcendent bonds, there is a small part of you clinging to the safety of familiar shores. Dive off the deep end! The North Node in Pisces redirects the current of your connections, deepening your experience of love, friendship, and authenticity. 

You try to hold things together for yourself and others. You are un-learning the tendency to be so hard on yourself. When things don’t go as planned, it is not a failure on your part. There is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes the universe has something better in store. 2025 reveals the completion of an important friendship or romantic cycle or pattern — or signifies the transition from one phase to another. 


A surge of personal expansion defines your 2024. On May 25th, 2024, Jupiter entered Gemini, boosting your natural curiosity and drive for growth. Stretch your mind! Allow your imagination to stretch its limbs in every direction. You’ve been ultra sensitive to anything that feels confining, restrictive, or limiting. Whether you’re a Gemini Sun or Gemini Rising, you’ve broadened your sense of self. You channeled your restless soul and inner wild child. The journey isn't over yet. Your personal identity is still evolving, continuing to shift until Jupiter moves from Gemini into Cancer on June 9th, 2024. 

As you head into the first half of 2025, keep in mind: Jupiter brings good fortune, but you need to position yourself to harness its full potential. Be in the right place at the right time, and the universe will meet you there. Luck isn't accidental. While luck often feels coincidental, it’s about creating conditions where good things are more likely to happen — whether through hard work, positive energy, or being open to new possibilities. In essence, luck may not be entirely random. It’s the result of aligning with the flow of life.

Discernment is the cosmic key. Because Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces form a square in the sky, the last six months of 2024 sparked a push-pull tension between expansion and contraction. The square aspect — an angle of 90 degrees — reveals dynamic friction between conflicting energies. Jupiter invites you to explore new realms of growth, knowledge, and wisdom through experience, while Saturn requires structure, discipline, and clear boundaries. 

After feeling stuck for so long, you’re buzzing with ideas and fresh sources of inspiration. While a multitude of ideas inspire you, your time, energy, and resources are limited. You can’t chase down every potential path, no matter how shiny and exciting. As you set your sights on new intellectual, physical, or spiritual horizons, you’ll be faced with tough decisions. You can’t do it all. Choose your path wisely, keeping your long-term vision in mind. Avoid getting sidetracked by tempting side quests or detours that don’t lead you where you need to go. As frustrating as obstacles and limitations may be, they may be the path itself. Marcus Aurelius once wisely said: “What stands in the way becomes the way.”

Next year, on July 7th, 2025, Uranus will enter Gemini, marking the beginning of an electrifying astrological shift. Uranus, the planet of innovation, sudden change, and disruption, will bring its quirky, radical energy to the realm of communication, learning, and technology — key themes associated with Gemini. This transit shakes up how you think, connect, and share knowledge and wisdom. Expect a surge in new ideas, rapid advancements in technology, and unexpected changes in how you interact with the world. Uranus in Gemini is eccentric and unconventional. The weirder, the better.


Breathe a sigh of relief. During Pluto’s 15-year cycle through Capricorn (your zodiacal opposite), you’ve felt intense pressure. This is particularly true if your Sun, Moon, or other celestial bodies are positioned in the late degrees of Cancer. Pluto pulled everything to the surface this past year — such as buried emotions, intrusive thoughts, or deep-rooted patterns — to be cleared away. Pluto extracts hidden truths. People, situations, or emotions revealed themselves, forcing you to confront deeper matters you would rather avoid. When this rebirth planet completes its final lap through Capricorn, the pressure will be off in 2025. 

You’ve transformed how you relate to others. If you're a Cancer Rising, Pluto prompted a deep examination of your love life over the past 15 years. Some of you have never dated without Pluto influencing the relationship sector of your chart. In 2024, you took the plunge into your relationship history, unearthing recurring patterns and issues. Your commitments, relationships, and partnerships were under the microscope. You confronted issues of control, power, ego, or karmic cycles within your significant relationships. This has felt intense but ultimately cathartic.

You’ve also felt a powerful pull to take a leap of faith in your life, stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences with a sense of trust and courage. Whether it's pursuing a new career path, starting a personal project, or making a bold decision in your relationships, this period has encouraged you to break free from the fear of the unknown. Even if the future feels uncertain, you’ve been inspired to trust that taking risks now will lead to greater growth, expansion, and fulfillment in the long run. In March 2025, the North Node in Aries will present a pivotal lesson. You’ll be called to make an important decision that shapes your path forward. 

Choose the spark of vitality over fear. Be proactive — don’t wait for someone else to tell you what to do. The universe empowers you to take the reins. Whether you initiate an important discussion with your boss, start a business, or speak your mind with family, you must channel courage.

For now, retreat into your shell. Mars retrograde, which occurs at the end of 2024 and into February 2025, stirs a period of introspection. With Mars retracing its path through your sign, you feel more sensitive, withdrawn, moody, or defensive. Your efforts to move forward are blocked. Slow down, and tap into your inner rhythm. Expect a surge of energy in the second half of next year. When Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9th, 2025, you experience a shift in your luck, bringing a burst of positive energy.


Your aura is vibrant. This year, you strengthened inner confidence and self-love. You practiced disentangling yourself from external pressures. You are learning to detach from other people’s opinions in order to make decisions based on your own guidance. This journey hasn't always been easy — especially during August’s slow, lethargic Mercury retrograde in your sign. But, through challenges and self-reflection, you've grounded in who you are. The result is a glow that draws others to you. You're standing firmly in your own power, embracing your unique qualities, and allowing your true essence to shine through with ease. 

Old habits die hard. On November 19th, 2024, Pluto’s return to Aquarius ignites important lessons that unfold over the next decade. Pluto dipped in and out of Aquarius, the sign opposite Leo, since 2023. There is no more back and forth: Pluto remains in Aquarius until 2043. Don’t expect radical upheaval — expect a slow death. You’re in the process of deeply transforming how you relate to your identity, self-image, and personal goals. You begin questioning who you are and what truly motivates you. You learn to recognize when you’re operating out of fear, guilt, or buried emotions. You don’t need to prove anything. Reflect on your unique talents and consider their inherent value. You could deal with uncomfortable sensations, such as shame or playing the comparison game, or suddenly crave rebellion to do things your way. You could attract jealousies or insecurities from other people that mirror your own. Focus only on your own actions to reclaim personal power. You don’t have to follow the path that others are taking. 

If you’re a Leo Rising, Pluto in Aquarius triggers the relationship sector of your chart. You’re in the process of deeply transforming how you relate to others. Buried emotions emerge — such as intrusive thoughts, emotional patterns, or repressed fears related to love and intimacy. Face the deeper layers of yourself through intimate connections. You could deal with uncomfortable sensations, such as shame, defeat, rebellion, or competitiveness. If you find yourself playing the comparison game, stoke the flames of self-inquiry. 

The last few months of 2024 set ablaze creativity and passion. Whatever excites you may soon face delays or setbacks. Don’t rush the process. Focus on aligning your personal ambitions with your evolving sense of self. Step back from constant doing, and focus on being. Mars retrograde invites you to slow down and revisit areas of your life where action has been rushed or driven by outside pressures. Instead, make thoughtful, deliberate choices that spark joy. What activities did you love as a kid? Now is the time to explore them again, rediscovering the joy and freedom you once felt. You enjoy forward momentum again when Mars re-enters Leo on April 18th, 2025.


You’re buzzing! 2024 has been a year of expansion and contraction. Since Jupiter entered Gemini on May 25th, 2024, you've been energized by a surge of curiosity and inspiration. With Jupiter's influence, it's easy to bite off more than you can chew. There are too many good ideas — and not enough time to pursue them all. In a perfect world, you could clone yourself and get everything done. 

However, time and energy are finite resources. Saturn in Pisces, your sister sign, has revealed your energetic limits. Saturn teaches mastery over time. Use time wisely, and stay within your boundaries. This involves resisting shiny side quests or tempting detours that don’t further your long-term path. Saturn squares Jupiter, sparking a push-pull friction between ‘what ifs’ and realities. Whether you're a Virgo Sun or Rising, Saturn has presented challenges and blocks in your path. The obstacles in your path are your path.

True freedom comes not from constant movement or chaos, but from having a stable foundation that allows you to take creative risks at your own pace. Release any goals that sound liberating but feel stressful. What sounds free-spirited — such as living a nomadic lifestyle or running your own business — can actually leave you feeling drained or constricted. You could discover more time freedom in a 9-to-5 job than in a non-stop freelance hustle, or realize that aligning with an existing business allows for more creative control than going solo. Jupiter sparks breakthroughs and self-expansion, and Saturn ensures your growth is sustainable and rooted in practicality. 

Ready for a glow up? 2025 is your year. The North Node in Pisces redirects the current of your personal and romantic life, infusing your future path with luminous inner and outer discoveries. Let your imagination run wild. The South Node in Virgo stirs a quest for deeper vulnerability with yourself and others. You will discover that you’ve been overthinking — and over-complicating — your approach to love, relationships, and personal growth. Next year, you could reclaim a long-lost dream, evolve your relationship with commitment or personal change, or meet a new version of yourself at the other end of this new Virgo–Pisces eclipse cycle.


In 2024, you became the main character in your own story. Whether you’re a Libra Sun or Libra Rising, your personal growth has been in the spotlight. 

The Moon’s South Node in Libra invites you to shed limiting beliefs and patterns. Because the South Node is a point of release, you scattered pieces of yourself you have over-identified with. These pieces, or fragments, of yourself are part of the grand mosaic of your life. Each fragment represents a sacred time capsule of “you” over a span of different life stages. By letting go of specific aspects of selfhood—past experiences, old beliefs, or repetitive behavior—you created space for a richer, more complex picture of who you are becoming. This process of integration and acceptance allows you to celebrate the beauty in your evolving identity and the many facets that make you whole. 

You now glow with a quiet, unshakable confidence that radiates from within. It’s the kind of confidence that comes not from seeking approval, but from a deep sense of self-assurance and understanding. This newfound glow reflects the inner work you’ve done, the lessons learned, and the strength you’ve cultivated along the way. It’s visible to others, but it starts with the peace and clarity you’ve found inside yourself. You don’t have to be liked by everyone. You no longer second-guess your worth or question your path — your confidence is rooted in knowing who you are and what you’re capable of.

If you’re a Libra Rising, you took major risks and leaps in your romantic life in 2024. You have one more milestone — one more chapter — awaiting you on the horizon. In March 2025, there is a Mercury retrograde, Venus retrograde, and solar eclipse illuminating the relationship sector of your chart. The Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th, 2025 is the last chapter of a book you have been reading since 2023. This final chapter brings the entire story to its conclusion over the next six months. 

The people and experiences you attract are mirrors for your inner desires or fears. When you vibrate at a different frequency, you attract like-minded connections into your life who you can grow with. Keep voicing your truth, even if it feels uncomfortable. There is no true harmony with another person without honesty, transparency, and conflict resolution. You’re a peace-keeper, learning to keep your own peace, too. 


You’ve felt a strong pressure to expand and evolve. Personal growth became an urgent, almost unstoppable force over the past year. Whether you’re a Scorpio Sun or Scorpio Rising, your field of vision widened. From January to May, Jupiter’s trip through Taurus, your opposite sign, rooted your dreams into reality. During this time, you felt pulled in new directions. Opportunities and challenges arose, prompting you to question both your current path and your future goals. 

There are no shortcuts to success or magical quick fixes. Taurus teaches the medicine of the lush, fertile earth element. Trees that grow wide and slow develop deeper, more extensive root systems—and, in the end, a more solid foundation—compared to young trees that shoot up really quickly. You were challenged to balance your desire for quick success with the need for patient, steady growth. 

If you’re a Scorpio Rising, 2024 inspired major leaps towards meaningful work, wellness, and inner growth. The past 12 months have felt like a transitional period. You have felt dissatisfied, searching for deeper purpose or emotional fulfillment. You may have also felt your career stall or lose its inspiration. Only you know what feels right for you. You have full creative agency over your future path. 

The Moon’s South Node in Libra stirred your subconscious, uprooting buried emotions or unresolved issues from the past. You are preparing to make strides in romance or creativity in 2025 — and with this comes the finality of old chapters. 2024 has been devoted to downtime and rest. Keep focusing on your inner glow.

Your soul-searching truly comes alive when you tap into your creativity. Since the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th, 2024, you’ve redirected your focus toward an artistic or spiritual path. This journey expands next year, deepening after the North Node dips into the mystical realm of Pisces. It’s through creative expression that you connect with deeper parts of yourself, unlocking emotions and insights that words alone can’t capture. Whether it’s through art, writing, music, or any form of expression, this is where you find personal clarity and meaning. You’re not just exploring the outer world, but diving into the richness of your inner landscape, discovering hidden desires and truths. Open your mind. When you embrace your creative side, you open the door to discovering the next aligned steps in your career. Creativity becomes the bridge between your soul and the universe, guiding you toward a more authentic, fulfilled version of yourself.


2024 grounded your ideals. With Saturn in Pisces, you confronted the practicalities of your dreams. Your ideas aren't just whimsical daydreams — they’re blueprints for what you can create. You were called to stop seeing your dreams as abstract fantasies and begin rooting them into reality. The year, you developed discipline and committed to the process. Although you’re hungry for expansion, there is a part of you clinging to the safety of familiar shores. You did the heavy-lifting already. In 2025, allow yourself to get swept into the riptide of opportunities. Your path surges ahead, like a current gaining strength and speed.

With Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, every obstacle or boundary felt magnified. You became ultra sensitive to anything that restricted your potential. Whether you’re a Sagittarius Sun or Sagittarius Rising, you craved freedom and movement. The friction in the sky revealed the friction between your desires and limitations. This pushed you to confront what needed to change in order to progress.

If you’re a Sagittarius Rising, you have been reflecting on where (or who) is home for you. 2024 was the year of reclaiming lost ideals or visions for your home and emotional roots. With Saturn in Pisces activating the home sector of your chart, you are building a solid, stable foundation for yourself. You have put in the work, laying the groundwork for emotional safety and sanctuary within yourself. This year, the cosmos urged you to focus on practical steps — whether it was refining your professional skills, securing your financial footing, or mastering your emotional realm — to nourish your big ideas. Saturn is a symbol of time and boundaries. As you worked to balance your ambitious ideas with real-world limitations, you came to understand that long-term success requires both inspiration and structure. You have set the stage for sustainable growth and the freedom to explore your fullest potential.

You’re a dreamer, rediscovering your ability to dream. On January 11th, 2025, the Moon’s North Node enters the mystical realm of Pisces. Open your heart and mind. Allow yourself to envision potential paths without immediately judging and dismissing them. Allow yourself to ask “what if,” without squashing your hope. The tides are changing. September 2025 will be a key moment — marking a momentous shift, building on all your hard work.


Feel the weight lift off your shoulders. This past year, Pluto stirred up what had been hidden beneath the surface. It unveiled truths you needed to face, whether through people, situations, or raw feelings. You confronted buried thoughts and tender emotions.

During Pluto’s 15-year cycle through Capricorn, you have felt a deep, underlying intensity. This transit stirred the feeling of being under constant pressure — whether in your career, personal relationships, or sense of identity — forcing you to evolve and redefine your boundaries. The highs were high, and the lows were low. The highs were exhilarating. You felt powerful and on track. The lows, on the other hand, were deeply challenging and tested your resilience. Both extremes shaped your journey, pushing you to grow in ways you didn’t expect. This is especially true if your Sun, Moon, or other celestial bodies are positioned in the late degrees of Capricorn. When this rebirth planet completes its final lap through Capricorn, the pressure will diffuse in 2025. 

You discover the most about yourself now through following your gut instincts, even if you don’t understand where they lead yet. The Moon’s North Node in Aries urges you to take embodied action. Aries is the first of 12 zodiac signs, symbolizing the initial awareness of self. This past year sparked a quest for self-discovery, leading you to wonder: who am I? This quest isn’t one of introspecting and journeying inward, but one of reaching out into the world and exploring where your impulses lead. Don’t overthink which courses of action align with the person you’re becoming. Don’t ask for too many outside opinions or attach yourself to one-dimensional labels or trends. Take the next aligned step, and everything else will fall into place.

Explore uncharted waters. Next year, the Pisces North Node redirects the current of your path. On January 11th, 2025, the lunar nodes will enter the realms of Virgo and Pisces. Prepare to reclaim long-lost dreams and infuse your journey with fresh inspiration. If you’re a Capricorn Rising, your field of vision widens. Prepare to reach more people with your knowledge and wisdom. This involves shedding outgrown beliefs or overly practical mindsets. You could be drawn to teaching, learning, or guiding others. You are re-imagining your role in academia, institutions, or other broad systems. Connect with something beyond yourself. Your exploration  includes long-term quests, adventures, and trips. You are in the midst of altering your course, preparing to switch tracks and leave behind familiar grounds. Are you ready to embark on a journey of creative, emotional, or spiritual transcendence?


In 2024, you faced your shadow side. What once felt uncomfortable or intimidating became a source of insight and growth. This is the transmutative power of Pluto at work. From January to May, you uncovered the deeper issues you’d been masking with temporary fixes over the past two years. Pluto in Aquarius illuminated the vulnerable, raw parts of yourself that you have avoided or suppressed. This process wasn’t always easy — and it’s not nearly over yet. During its retrograde, Pluto briefly departed Aquarius before re-entering on November 19th, 2024. Brace yourself for inner growth next year. 

Welcome to your Tower moment. In tarot, the Tower card signals an upheaval that shakes the very foundations of what you thought you knew. 2025 sends an undercurrent of slow, powerful personal change. You’re in the process of deeply transforming how you relate to your identity, self-image, and personal ambitions. Pluto’s voyage through Aquarius challenges everything you've built, tearing down the old structures and illusions that no longer serve your growth. It can feel chaotic, jarring, and even painful. However, in its wake, it clears space for something new to emerge. Rise from the ashes — stronger, wiser, and more aligned with your purpose. 

Because Pluto moves slowly, these transformations unfold gradually rather than happening overnight. Growth may not be visible every day, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Pluto breaks down what no longer serves you and rebuilds it from the ground up. Question who you are and what truly motivates you. Recognize when you’re operating out of fear, guilt, or buried emotions. You don’t need to prove anything. Reflect on your unique talents and consider their inherent value. You could deal with uncomfortable sensations, such as shame or playing the comparison game, or suddenly crave rebellion to do things your way. Resist the urge to control circumstances. Focus only on your own actions to reclaim personal power. You don’t have to follow the path that others are taking.

Pluto remains in Aquarius until 2043. Old habits die hard. Don’t expect radical upheaval — expect a slow death. Whether you’re an Aquarius Sun or Aquarius Rising, the next decade redefines your sense of self. Make peace with who you truly are. By confronting these hidden aspects, you gained a deeper understanding of your motivations and strengths.

This is not a moment of failure. It’s a necessary reset and disruption that leads to personal freedom and evolution. The inner work pays after the Moon’s North Node enters Aquarius on July 27th, 2026.


You made personal growth a priority this year. Saturn in your sign has pressured you to get rooted, practical, and sensible. Whether you’re a Pisces Sun or Rising, Saturn has revealed areas in your life where you’ve overextended yourself or lacked structure. Every challenge was a stepping stone, pushing you to grow. Now, you're standing stronger, with a clearer sense of who you are and where you're headed.

Let your imagination run wild. Reclaim the dreams and potential that may have been buried under the weight of time or circumstance. Dust off those dreams, and manifest them into your reality. Since the Pisces eclipse on September 17th, 2024, you have felt an overwhelming burst of emotion and sudden hunger for more. Although you’re hungry for self-expansion, there is a small part of you clinging to the safety of familiar shores. Dive off the deep end. Anything can happen next year, in the best way. Your inner tide is changing. 

Life is an ascending spiral, not a linear journey with a fixed endpoint. With each cosmic loop, you are transcending to deeper levels of awareness, insight, and wisdom. Pay closer attention to vivid dreams, omens, and synchronicities. Next year, the lunar nodes stir a quest for deeper vulnerability with yourself and others. The ripples you felt in 2024 become tidal waves in 2025. Follow the current of your intuition — it leads you to uncharted waters. Allow rigid, anxious, or practical mentalities to dissolve into an alluring openness. Let the universe disarm you. Let your life feel softer, rather than harder. 

If you’re a Pisces Rising, the Moon’s North Node in Pisces redirects the current of your romantic life, infusing your future path with luminous inner and outer discoveries. You discover that you have been overthinking — and over-complicating — your approach to love, relationships, and connection. This is your chance to fall in love all over again: with life, with creativity, with another person. Explore all forms of love: friend love, neighborly love, community love, universal love. Meditate on how you relate to others, whether it be romantic partners, old flames, chosen family, or business partners. You are buzzing with fresh possibilities. Meet a new version of yourself at the other end of this eclipse cycle.

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